- 1982
The ship, which will later become the PATIO, is launched in Eisenhüttenstadt as the "Kienitz" push boat. It initially serves as a floating residential ship for the employees of the water and shipping authority.
- 2002
After decommissioning, Mathias Böhme buys the ship at an auction. A long-cherished dream takes shape in his mind's eye. First, however, the ship has to be completely gutted.
- 2005
After years of construction work on its own, the torso of the PATIO is slowly becoming recognizable.
- 2006
The interior work is also progressing.
- 2006
The jetty is prepared for the PATIO. With the support of the state government at the time, bureaucratic hurdles are avoided and the path to the actual goal is paved.
- 2007
In April, the PATIO reaches Berlin and finally docks at the Moabiter Brücke, where it receives the upper deck.
- 2007
After the grand opening in spring 2007, Berliners and their guests immediately boarded the PATIO and made it a permanent fixture in the Moabit neighborhood.
- 2017
Welcome, dear RIETHOEN! Construction of a jetty, conversion of an 80-year-old saloon back deck vintage boat for excursions with guests.
- 2017
After ten years of successful work, the big conversion: the PATIO is to have another deck under water - our bilge is born: the upper deck has to be completely dismantled, the PATIO is placed on a concrete hull, the Spree is deepened.
- 2021
A club area is created. Expansion of the bilge with attention to high-quality detail. A bar and party room with an underwater smoking lounge is created.
- Today
the PATIO restaurant ship stands for sophisticated hospitality, offering culinary delights and selected wines. Dedicated staff look after the well-being of the guests and create a unique atmosphere every day in this urban oasis in the heart of the capital.